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Beiträge: 1169
Registriert: Dienstag 21. Februar 2006, 10:31
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Wohnort: graz

neu eier

Beitrag von ernst » Donnerstag 12. Juli 2007, 00:08

ein herzliches willkommen in diesem forum
den letzten drei neu zugängen

leider hab ich schon vergessen wie sie heißen :oops:
ob sie männl. oder weibl. sind und ah

liebe neue mitglieder, wenn ihr wollt könntet ihr hier an dieser stelle
einige worte verlieren

lg ernst

ein schiff sagt, beschütze du mich vor dem land,
dann beschütze ich dich vor dem wasser!

Beiträge: 18
Registriert: Montag 9. Juli 2007, 10:57
Wohnort: Wien

Beitrag von caribpirate » Freitag 13. Juli 2007, 13:13

Ich lass mal Jimmy Buffet das Wort...

(G) Mother, Mother Ocean,
I have heard you call
(C) Wanted to sail upon your waters
since I was (Hm7) three (Am7) feet (G) tall
(G) Youve (Am7) seen (Hm7) it (Am7) all,
youve (Bm7) seen it (G) all.

You watched the men who rowed you
Switch from sails to steam
And in your belly you
hold all the treasures
man has ever seen
and most of his dreams
most of his dreams

Yes, I am a pirate,
two hundred years too late
the cannons dont thunder
there is nothing to plunder
Im an over 40 victim of fate
arriving too late
arriving too late

But I did a bit of smuggling
Ran a batch of grass
And made enough money
to buy Miami
But pissed it away too fast
Never meant to last
Never meant to last

I go for younger women
Lived with several a while
Though I ran them away
Theyll come back someday
I still can manage a smile
It just takes a while
It just takes a while.

And I have been drunk now for
over two weeks
I passed out and rallied and I
smoked a few reefs
But I gotta stop wishing
Gotta go fishing
down the rock bottom again
With just a few friends
Just a few friends.

Mother, Mother Ocean
After all those years I found
An occupational hazard beats
An occupation just not around
It feels like I drown
Gotta go uptown
I feel like I drown
Gotta go uptown...

Noch Fragen? :o)


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